The Secret Life of Walter Mitty is an upcoming film based on a short story written by James Thurber. Ben Stiller plays the title role of Walter Mitty, who one day wakes up and starts living in a fantasy fueled world where every adventure is possible. Co-starring in the film are Kristen Wiig and Sean Penn. Ben Stiller is also the director.
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty premieres on Christmas 2013.
The end credits cards from Chapter 2: The Tribes of Tatooine. [gallery type="thumbnails" link="file" size="large"…
As done with The Mandalorian end credits graphic cards, starting with the new Star Wars…
Netflix released the first trailer for the second season of the much awaited fantasy show…
This is what happens when a movie is postponed for over a year and then…
From the official Netflix site of Shadow and Bone, I pulled the Grishaverse map in…
Marvel just released a poster of Sam Wilson as Captain America. Considering the series was…
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