The LEGO Batman Movie is a spin-off of the 2014 The LEGO Movie. Focusing on Batman versus the Joker story, the movie will bring together a lot of superheroes in their Lego version to save Gotham. Unlike Marvel, DC Comics is not restricting their superheroes only in live action films, and considering the massive success…
Tag: Ralph Fiennes
First trailer and official wallpapers of the beautiful Kubo and the Two Strings
Watch the first official trailer of the upcoming feature film Kubo and the Two Strings, created by the acclaimed animation studio Laika Entertainment. The stop motion feature film is telling the adventure stories of a young boy Kubo as he travels through ancient Japan dealing with all sorts of Gods, banshees and monsters. To…
The English Patient – perfect for Valentine’s Day?
The English Patient is a 1996 movie by English film maker Anthony Minghella about people who have found each other just before and during World War II. This movie will keep you intense and eventually will make you cry. It will break you heart so it’s best that you watch it with your partner. There’s…
Wrath of the Titans wallpapers 1920×1200
Starring: Sam Worthington, Liam Neeson, Rosamund Pike, Ralph Fiennes. Premieres march 30 2012
Clash Of The Titans Wallpapers
“Clash of The Titans” Size: 1440×900 Premieres 26 March 2010 Starring: Sam Worthington, Liam Neeson, Ralph Fiennes, Gemma Arterton, Izabella Miko and Alexa Davalos.