I selected a few scenes form Zack Snyder’s Justice league and I posterized them. Size is 4000×3000 pixels, obviously, some look so much better than others. The ones with Darkseid turned out to be the best, they really have that “hand-drawn” feeling to them. The ones with Wonder Woman as well.
Tag: Superman
Zack Snyder’s Justice League review and epic screencaps gallery
It took me a while to watch e four hour movie just after re-watching the two hour version so I can compare. However, maybe it is not fair to compare two hour movie, against what is essentially two movies or a mini series. First of, Zack Snyder’s cut of Justice League was much needed cut,…
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice official wallpapers
Only one week to go till the premiere of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, people are getting excited! Also news reports say that the movie has already grossed $20-25 million from advanced tickets sales. Looks like while Batman is fighting Superman and Iron Man is fighting Captain America, DC Comics just might win over…
Man Of Steel Blu-Ray disk released
…while I am somewhat unsure about my feelings towards Man Of Steel as a movie, I couldn’t be more glad to hear that the BR disk is out. The hit movie starring Henry Cavill and Amy Adams seems worthy enough to be seen at home in a perfect clear 1080p resolution. My favorite part: the…
Zack Snyder’s “Man Of Steеl” wallpapers
“Man Of Steel” Size: 1920×1080. (Right click> Save image or click image then Save…) Starring: Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, Russell Crowe, Diane Lane, Kevin Costner. Directed by Zack Snyder.
Man Of Steel wallpapers
“Man of Steel” Size:1650×1080 Premieres June 2013. Starring Henry Cavill, Russell Crowe and Amy Adams. Directed by Zack Snyder.