We already had a chance to glimpse at how Transformers 4, (titled Age Of Extinction) will look like in the short trailer during the Super Bowl, which according to experts it won the movie spot battle that Sunday. The new Transformers movie has Mark Wahlberg as the lead male protagonist, while the beautiful actress Nicola Peltz plays his daughter so that leaves Jack Raynor to play her love interest. This reminds me of Armageddon and Willis-Tyler-Afleck as the father-daughter-boyfreind trio, though I doubt Wahlberg will die in Transformers 4.
Watch the Transformers 4 trailer below.
It’s interesting that Wahlberg’s and Peltz’s characters last name is Yeager, you do remember that film with giant monsters coming form a trans-dimensional portal in the ocean and giant mechanical robots named Jaegers who fought them? Yep, the movie is Pacific Rim, but Yeager and Jaeger sound really similar. Lets hope Transformers 4 will be much better than pacific Rim….and the previous transformers movies. Do you think that replacing LeBeouf (or the lead character) with an older actor was the right decision?
Below you can download 10 Transformers 4 wallpapers. I tried to keep them as high quality as I could. Three of the wallpapers are redone HD screen caps, so I guess they are fan art.