Starring in Suicide Squad are Margot Robbie as Dr. Harleen F. Quinzel/Harley Quinn, Jai Courtney as Capetan Boomerang, Cara Delevingne as Enchantness, Ben Affleck as Batman, Will Smith as Deadshot and Jared Leto as The Jocker.
This movie is based on the epic comic book Suicide Squad, the events are happening after Batman V Superman. Goverement operatives are putting imprisoned criminals into dangerous missions.The Suicide Squad’s mission is to take out Batman. But apparently Batman isn’t their only enemy, the Clown Prince of Crime-Jocker, he wants Batman’s blood and cowl. This will be the biggest and unforgettable battle of all, and Gotham’s citizens will not forget The Jocker.
In other words, if someone hasn’t read the comics, has no idea what is happening in this one, but seems really fun.
Suicide Squad is directed by David Ayer. The release date is on 5 August 2016.