The fourth episode of Marvels’ The Falcon and The Winter Soldier has the new Captain America at its core. John Walker whilst being the beloved among the people, he was not welcomed by his peers at the same level as his fans welcomed him. Apparently that affected him greatly.
The title of the episode “The Whole World is Watching” is a direct reference to John Walker.
Observing the series as a whole, you cannot not get the feeling that this could have been a two hour movie, with episode 4 done, there aren’t really any great mysteries or plot-lines developed, characters are somewhat explored, but with only two episodes remaining, they better make those two episodes worth while. The entire series has some plot elements just thrown in there, without any specific reason to the plot, for example Isaiah and Ayo, but we may seen more from the Dora MIlaje in the remainder of the series.
It is interesting to see how when Sam, Bucky and Zemo are walking together, Zemo is always in the middle, slightly before them as if he is their leader.
Ok, spoilers ahead.
The series starts with a short intro in Wakanda, it is a really short intro of the final test of Bucky and if he is free of the controlling commnads, which skips to present day right after, where Ayo informs him that he has only 8 hours and then they come after Zemo. While the “six years ago” scene isn’t exactly random, but does not improve or add to the plot.
Back in the incredibly good place they are staying, Bucky tells him that the Dora Milaje have come for Zemo, after which they go to Mama Donya’s building trying to figure out when and where will be her funeral, in hopes that Karli will be there. Zemo finds out but keeps this as leverage so Sam and Bucky don’t turn him over to Ayo.
Here comes the Cap with his sidekick in Riga, to take over and get his way, reluctantly he lets Sam to have a meeting alone with Karli to try to talk her out of the road she has taken, he agrees but then he barges in the meeting and spoils any progress Sam has made. Despite what Karli has done, sam believes that she is not like any other terrorist and even though Zemo claims she is a supremacist, Sam does find a way to reach Karli except this is interrupted by John Walker.
In the chase that ensues Walker manages to get a vial of the super soldier serum, the last one, as Zemo destroyed the other vials. Walker does not tell the others he has a vial.
It can be noted here, that Zemo is truly a man of his word, and he adheres to his believes at all times.
In the next part of the episode, is the moment where the captain realizes how weak he is. In the apartment (the amazing apartment) converge the three forces, Sam, Bucky and Zemo, John Walker and Lemar Hoskins and the unstoppable Ayo with her comapnion.
After a short fight with the Dora Milaje, the captain begrudgingly realizes that they weren’t even super soldiers and he was easily defeated. It was probably in this moment that he decided to take the super soldier serum and even out odds. He odes have a this conversation with Battlestar in a bar, whether or not he would take the serum if he had the chance, “hell yes!”
For the episode finale, the now improved Captain, the Falcon and the Winter Soldier go against Karli’s super soldiers in which Lemar Hoskins dies and John Walker experiences the change of the serum in full.
Throughout the episode, you can notice how John Walker grabs the attention of everybody on the streets in bars, and now again on the streets, while everybody is filming with their phones John Walker demonstrated he is not worthy of carrying the shield.
I wonder if he will surrender the shield voluntarily or if Bucky will have to fight for it and earn it so he will become the next Captain America.
Now that the super soldier serum no longer exists and Karli certainly got frightened after seeing that the Captain isn’t above their level in doing business, it is uncertain in which direction the last two episodes will go. The Flag Smashers activities weren’t exactly leading up to a worthy finale, and still are not, but Zemo is on the loose, Madripoor is about the to explode according to Sharon and everything just feels really random and not as important.