Today I Saw

Blog with short movie reviews and recommendations.

Batman v Superman: Short review or why I didn’t like it

Yesterday I got the chance to watch one of the most awaited movies this year, Batman v Superman: Dawn of…

8 years ago

The Good Dinosaur or when Pixar hit rock bottom

The Good Dinosaur is the latest Pixar animated feature film, unfortunately. It is also one of the nominees for an…

8 years ago

The Wolf of Wall Street and Dante’s Inferno – Oscars 2014

If you guys have read the first part of Dante's Divine Comedy which is "Hell" you will instantly see the…

10 years ago

Her – critique to tech obsessed society – Oscars 2014

Imagine this, you are at your home, comfortably listening to music or whatever, when you whip out your smartphone and…

10 years ago

Is Gravity a science fiction movie?

My previous post was a little review on how impressed I was with the movie and there pretty confident I…

10 years ago

Today I watched Gravity – Oscars 2014

I just saw Gravity with Sandra Bullock and George Clooney, the movie as you all know has been nominated for…

10 years ago

….This is the End

How was it you ask? Well, you are watching it and hope that that is the end, but it just…

11 years ago

Man Of Steel Blu-Ray disk released

...while I am somewhat unsure about my feelings towards Man Of Steel as a movie, I couldn't be more glad…

11 years ago

…ongoing a Breaking Bad marathon

I buzzed through four season of the acclaimed show and can't wait to see the end, yet I don't feel…

11 years ago

…just saw the Oscars…

...and it was weird!? Firstly, Seth MacFarlane was the host and he wasn't really all that funny, let's say it…

11 years ago

today I watched “Africa” produced by BBC

Another amazing documentary series made by BBC One. It's made in HD and the scenery is stunning. So far six…

11 years ago

…today I saw “Holy Motors”

Welcome to the theater of the bizarre! Even though it seems a weird movie with nine different stories that are…

11 years ago

Fringe ended, it was emotional!

So the last Friday night in two episodes Fringe ended with it's 100th episode. For me season one and season…

11 years ago

…today I saw “Argo”

What can i say? Ben Affleck did it! He absolutely did it. Based on true events, that came into light…

11 years ago

The Killing is back! Practically resurrected!

After the cancellation of the show which seemed rather definite there were rumors that the show will e back for…

11 years ago

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